The Emmeline B. Wells Grant offers support for research and creative work with a focus on contexts and issues related to women's lives. Applicants may also be considered for a Women’s Research Initiative (WRI) grant if they indicate that on the application and include an alternate budget for up to $5,000. Only one of the two grants may be received.
This grant is intended to encourage and support scholarly and creative work by full-time BYU faculty in a CFS-track position. They are not intended as awards and will not be recognized at the Annual University Conference. These grants will be awarded based on review by a faculty panel for each area of interest. These funds may not be used for faculty salaries.
Proposals should include the following elements in the order listed below:
Approval signatures from department chair and dean or associate dean (on coversheet)
Project description (up to 3 pages)
Budget and budget narrative (less than 1 page)
References (no page limit)
Curriculum Vitae (up to 5 pages)
Limit of one proposal per faculty member per grant topic. Submit proposals as a PDF to Lynn Patten (, Office of the Associate Academic Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies.
October 31, 2024
The Emmeline B. Wells Grant will be given to work in the following area of particular interest to the University and to the Church: research and creative work with a focus on contexts and issues related to women’s lives. The maximum amount of the Emmeline B. Wells Grant will be $30,000 and funds will carry over one additional year. Applicants may also be considered for a Women’s Research Initiative (WRI) grant, but must indicate their desire to do so on the application and submit an additional/different (i.e.- smaller) budget for up to $5,000. Only one of the two grants may be awarded.
Project budgets should follow the guidelines below:
Eligible expenses include supplies, travel, participant expenses, dissemination costs, and student wages. (Faculty salary is not eligible)
Funds must be expended before the end of the 2026 calendar year.
Recommendations are made by reviewers selected by the University Research Council. Awards are based on:
Adherence to proposal guidelines and connection to specific grant applied for
Strength of the proposal’s research or creative pla
Potential for high-quality publications or creative products
Preference will be given to work that builds a foundation for future strong scholarship (e.g. external funding), is “central to the Church’s purposes,” or has the opportunity for impact beyond academic peers (e.g. leads to public scholarship). The number of awards depends upon the funds available and the strength of the proposals.
Final reports:
Due by April 30, 2027
Submit reports as a PDF to Lynn Patten (, Office of the Associate Academic Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies.
Reports should describe accomplishments facilitated by the grant, including a list of publications or creative works in review or planned, the status of the project, and how the budget was expended.
If you received a previous Emmeline B. Wells grant, you are eligible to apply again if you submitted a final report to the AAVP-Research Office.