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Dates: 9 May–1 August 2024
Priority Deadline: 1 November 2023
Application Deadline: 31 January 2024

Morocco is rich in complexity, and anthropologists have long researched, theorized, and written about the people who traverse, work, claim, contest, negotiate, barter, marry, worship, migrate from, and return to this place. This ethnographic field school will be in Fez, Morocco, a 1200-year-old city that has experienced intense urban change, with a visual anthropology project in nearby Sefrou. Students will receive intensive training in visual anthropology research methods and collaborate with Moroccan university students to identify and ethnographically research a social, political, cultural or environmental issue. Potential topics include gender, social customs, and rituals; Sufism and spirituality; medicine and magic; multispecies relations; and youth and social movements. Students will spend two weeks contextualizing Fez by traveling around Morocco (a week in the south and a week in the north), two weeks training in visual anthropology methods to create an ethnographic film about women’s labor in Sefrou, and eight weeks embedding themselves into a social context and collecting ethnographic data collaboratively in Fez. Students will also be introduced to historical and ethnographic studies of Morocco and attend guest lectures from scholars who do fieldwork in Morocco, focusing on anthropological representations of peoples, places, and phenomena. We will discuss how scholars have captured life in Moroccan communities and how the process of describing “Moroccans” and “Maghariba” (North Africans) contributes to anthropological theories of personhood, identity, gender, religion, illness, politics, and economics.

Click here to apply today!


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Students will enroll in the following courses while on this program:

ANTHR 340—Peoples of the Middle East
ANTHR 495R—Ethnographic Field Project
ANTHR 420—Visual Anthropology

Students may not take any other courses on this program, including BYU Online courses, without approval by the program director and ISP.
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Includes Latter-day Saint undergraduate full tuition (increased cost for graduate and non–Latter-day Saint students), housing, in-country excursions, public transportation stipend, some meals, and international health insurance.

Does not include airfare, some meals, or personal expenses.
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Funding Sources

Regular BYU tuition scholarships, Pell Grants, and Federal Insured Student Loans may be applied to study abroad programs.

Students who submit the financial aid section of the ISP application and who have a current FAFSA form on file at the Financial Aid Office (A-41 ASB) will be considered for a Study Abroad scholarship.

Academic departments and colleges may assist with scholarships and grants.

The director has applied for various sources of funding for this program. In the event that some of these sources are awarded, this may reduce program costs. Additional funding may be available and eligible students can apply for such funding based on merit and/or demonstrated need. Please consult the director to discuss this and other possible funding options.

Private grants and scholarships outside of BYU may also assist (see
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It is recommended that students take the following courses prior to departure:

ANTHR 101—Social/Cultural Anthropology (fulfills both the Global and Cultural Awareness and Social Science requirements)
MOROCCAN ARABIC (course number TBD; class will be 3 credits)

All anthropology students wanting to use the field school experience for thesis research must take ANTHR 442—Ethnographic Research Design and Methods prior to departure. All other students are strongly encouraged to take this course in order to develop their research proposal and learn principles of social science research.

Accepted students are required to participate in an international, cross-cultural preparation course (IAS 201R, 1 credit hour). This class will be held during the second block of the winter 2024 semester. Part-time BYU students and non-BYU students will need to pay an additional tuition fee. Accompanying spouses need to be credit-bearing participants on the program. Spouses will also need to apply online and take the preparation course.

Students must meet all country- and program-specific COVID and health requirements for travel.
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Students will live with local host families. Home stays are recommended, as it will facilitate the experience of cultural immersion and also provide students with a way to situate data conducted in their fieldwork.
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Students are responsible for purchasing their own airfare to and from the program sites. Airfare reservations must be made through BYU Travel. Students should contact a BYU Travel agent.

BYU Travel
280 HRCB
(801) 422-6293
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Application Process

Students must be 18 years of age or older to participate.

Complete the online application here. A nonrefundable $35 application fee is required; applicants will be interviewed once the application is complete.

Students will be notified via e-mail of their acceptance into the program. The first payment is due upon acceptance; please refer to the Payment Information page.

Priority Deadline: 1 November 2023
Application Deadline: 31 January 2024
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Program Adjustments

International Study Programs (ISP) reserves the right to cancel this program, revise its offerings, or make any adjustments to the preliminary cost.

If it becomes necessary for ISP to cancel a program, all program payments made to BYU ISP will be refunded to the student’s BYU Financial account.

ISP is the only office authorized to cancel any of its programs.
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Becky Schulthies
884 KMBL
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Contact Us

International Study Programs
101 HRCB
(801) 422-3686
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ISP Student Handbook

To see the student handbook, click here.
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Payment Schedule

To see the payment schedule, click here.