The Kennedy Center for International Studies has chosen its Kennedy Research Fellows for Fall semester 2022. This program has for some time provided research funding for students doing research on international topics; Fall 2022 is the first time the fellowships have also been made available to faculty as well.
"One of the Kennedy Center’s purposes is to support internationally focused research at BYU," says Quinn Mecham, associate director for academics and research at the Kennedy Center. "Every semester we bring many researchers and experts to BYU to speak on a specific theme in international studies, and we also support both students and faculty who are doing great research on related topics."
For this program, Mecham explains, "the Kennedy Center provides up to three semester-long research fellowships to both students and faculty each semester. Those receiving fellowships have the opportunity to present their research at the Kennedy Center to a broad audience."
This semester, applicants for the fellowships were asked to focus on their research on the the Kennedy Center's Fall 2022 research theme, which is “The Global Religious Experience.” This is also the topic that will be covered during our weekly lecture series, which occurs every Wednesday at noon.
The three faculty research fellows for Fall semester are Jason Combs (Ancient Scripture), Sarah Reed (History), and Marin Leggat Roper (Dance).
The three student research fellows are Clayton Van Woerkom (Anthropology), Becca Driggs (Political Science), and Isaac Richards (Communications).
"Each of our research fellows are doing great research in an area related to global religion," says Mecham. The research fellows will present their research in December, so if you are interested in hearing it, keep an eye out for the announcement about that event.
Interested in learning more about the Kennedy Research Fellowships? Click here for more information.