Internship Database
5 results found

International Biology Internships: Brazil
Students will participate in a large project to study fish passage through dams on the Verde River located east of Campo Grande. Students will be introduced and learn in depth about the hyperdiverse fish fauna (nearly 50 species of freshwater fishes) and the challenges to providing passage of fishes across hydroelectric dams.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Students will focus on databasing dragonfly wings and label data for a larger project funded by the National Science Foundation. The internship is at Naturalis Biodiversity Center. The goal is to produce wing morphology data to explore the evolution of flight strategies over the evolutionary history of dragonflies (insect order Odonata).
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs

London Communications
Enjoy summer term in Great Britain while you are building your resume, networking, gaining excellent experience, and learning more about the world. This program works with the award-winning company The Intern Group, which will help places students in an internship in their field and coordinate housing, transportation, activities, and much more.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs

Spain OléSAY Internship
The Spain OléSAY internship program provides a unique cultural and educational experience designed to help advanced students acquire professional and cultural competencies that will allow them to prepare for life after the university.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
TargetPoint Consulting provides innovative research solutions, and advanced information and customer management programs to an incredibly diverse array of clients in electoral politics, public affairs and corporate America. We deliver swift and effective results through our work, which transcends the worlds of Campaigns, Causes, Corporate Advocacy, and Customers.
Headquartered: Washington D.C.
Headquartered: Washington D.C.