Internship Database
6 results found
Until orphanages become obsolete, we are committed to serving the children who live there by helping them heal, recover, and progress to more stable living conditions as soon as possible.
Headquartered: Orem, UT
Headquartered: Orem, UT
Working with the National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety of Nepal, BYU students will recognize and evaluate occupational health hazards in one of the harshest work environments in Nepal, the brick kilns. From ergonomic and heat stress evaluations to silica air sampling, students will use cutting edge technology to evaluate and provide control options.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Helping the citizens of Utah, through community advocacy, by providing solutions to social issues, including addressing homelessness, and revitalizing Pioneer Park. We act as a full-time advocate for the Rio Grande neighborhood and Pioneer Park, working tirelessly with the Salt Lake City community to address issues related to drugs, crime, and homeless services.
Headquartered: Utah
Headquartered: Utah
The Tahirih Justice Center is a national nonprofit that has served over 30,000 immigrant survivors fleeing gender-based violence since 1997. Our interdisciplinary, trauma-informed model of service is now delivered from five locations, and we’re committed to serving as many immigrant survivors as possible.
Headquartered: Maryland
Headquartered: Maryland
Volunteering at the Center for Women and Children in Crisis will be a rewarding experience for you, not to mention a great place to receive internship hours, fulfill school service requirements, build resumes, get experience for graduate school, or most importantly, simply taking the time to help others in a crisis.
Headquartered: Utah
Headquartered: Utah
Each year our legislation interns have the opportunity to meet personally with legislators and be intimately involved in the lawmaking process. The AG’s Oice tracks and monitors bills during the 45-day session due to the legal ramifications to the state.
Headquartered: Utah
Headquartered: Utah