Internship Database
6 results found
Until orphanages become obsolete, we are committed to serving the children who live there by helping them heal, recover, and progress to more stable living conditions as soon as possible.
Headquartered: Orem, UT
Headquartered: Orem, UT
The central aspect and focus of this program is the cultural immersion of living with a Fijian family in the heart of a traditional village. While in the village, you will also engage in efforts coordinated by local NGOs and the Fijian government aimed at youth empowerment, mental health promotion or a community development building project.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Students of this internship are selected for work in four areas: Social services with the elderly at les Petits Frères des Pauvres, Administration at Université Catholique de Lille, International trade at the U.S. Commercial Service in Paris, and Education as English assistants for the French Ministry of Education TAPIF program.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs

Native American Health and Sustainability
The Cheyenne River Youth Project ( is a grassroots, not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing the youth of the Cheyenne River Reservation with access to a vibrant and secure future. This is achieved through provision of a wide variety of culturally sensitive and enduring programs, projects, and facilities that ensure strong, self-sufficient families and communities.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
New Haven was created in 1995 to provide a safe, comforting, home-like environment for adolescent girls who need a safe place to get better from behavioral health challenges. From the beginning, New Haven has been first in establishing patterns of care that are now widely followed.
Headquartered: Utah
Headquartered: Utah
Volunteering at the Center for Women and Children in Crisis will be a rewarding experience for you, not to mention a great place to receive internship hours, fulfill school service requirements, build resumes, get experience for graduate school, or most importantly, simply taking the time to help others in a crisis.
Headquartered: Utah
Headquartered: Utah