Internship Database
14 results found
Until orphanages become obsolete, we are committed to serving the children who live there by helping them heal, recover, and progress to more stable living conditions as soon as possible.
Headquartered: Orem, UT
Headquartered: Orem, UT
The Brazil internship provides a unique cultural and educational experience designed to help students acquire professional and cultural competencies that will allow them to prepare for life after the university. Students interested in the humanities, Brazilian literature, art history, curatorship, museum studies, history, and anthropology are especially welcome to apply.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Our mission is to empower Latino and Utah families by providing equitable access to information, resources, and educational programs to advance and strengthen the community.
Headquartered: Salt Lake City, UT
Headquartered: Salt Lake City, UT
The U.S.-Mexico Internship Program seeks to develop the regional workforce needed to position North America as the most competitive and dynamic region in the world. The program expands academic exchange and internship opportunities for U.S. and Mexican college students and recent graduates, bridging the gap between formal education and practical work experience.
The Embassy of Peru in the United States offers three internship positions in the areas of economic, political, and congressional affairs. The internships require fluency in English and Spanish, proof of valid health and accident insurance, full vaccination and boosting against COVID-19, and availability of around 20 hours per week. The internships are mostly in-person, but can switch to remote work after the semester ends. The internships are unpaid, but the Embassy will issue a certificate and an evaluation upon successful completion.
Headquartered: Washington D.C.
Headquartered: Washington D.C.
This innovative new internship location, in collaboration with the University of Brasilia, provides excellent opportunities for international learning as students focus on a variety of public health issues from tropical diseases to outdoor air pollution exposures. Students will work directly with researchers from the University of Brasilia regarding continued field work, data gathering, and data analysis on these projects.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs

Global Health: Ecuador
In partnership with Child and Family Health International (CFHI), students can elect a global health internship experience in Ecuador. The program is based in Quito, where students have the opportunity to live with a homestay family. The duration of the program is four weeks. There are options for Spanish and non-Spanish speakers.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
The Global Law Seminar is a program offered by BYU Law School that allows students to gain valuable experience in international law through externships and online courses in various regions of the world, such as Central and South America, Eastern Asia, Western Asia, and Western Europe.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs

International Biology Internships: Brazil
Students will participate in a large project to study fish passage through dams on the Verde River located east of Campo Grande. Students will be introduced and learn in depth about the hyperdiverse fish fauna (nearly 50 species of freshwater fishes) and the challenges to providing passage of fishes across hydroelectric dams.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
ICRD's mission is to Bridge Religious Considerations with Global Peacebuilding Policy and Practice. ICRD envisions A World in which Religious and Spiritual Values Advance Peace and Reconciliation.
Headquartered: Washington D.C.
Headquartered: Washington D.C.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ self-reliance program teaches important principles in the areas of leadership, education, employment, and small business development. BYU collaborates with the Church in Latin America by sending qualified students to help support the self-reliance programs in different countries.
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Headquartered: BYU International Study Programs
Latinos In Action (LIA) offers an asset-based approach to bridging the graduation and opportunity gap for Latino students, working from within the educational system to create positive change. Our program operates as a year-long elective course taught by a highly-qualified teacher at the middle school, junior high, and high school level.
Headquartered: Sandy, UT
Headquartered: Sandy, UT
The Museum of Mormon Mexican History's mission is to collect & preserve the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mexico, open to the general public.
Headquartered: Provo, UT
Headquartered: Provo, UT
Peruvian Hearts is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization based in Golden, Colorado that encourages social, economic, and political change in Peru through the education and empowerment of young women. We work to end poverty and gender inequality by educating young women and creating community leaders in Peru—one girl at a time.
Headquartered: Golden, CO
Headquartered: Golden, CO