During winter semester, Students for International Development (SID) hosted its thirtieth annual Hunger Banquet on BYU campus. Each banquet is dedicated to raising awareness on global income inequality and requires the help of many BYU volunteers and resources. This year, Elise Hall, Amber Andrews, and Brian Allen served as SID co-presidents—not only for the Hunger Banquet but for a host of SID activities that focus on international development. Their preparation for the banquet spanned several months of overseeing committees, advertising the event, working with BYU Dining, and managing other logistics.
“Everything came together,” Amber Andrews said. “We picked a simple theme that the world is improving and focused on that. Most people are surprised to know that the world is getting better.” This year’s banquet also featured Bishnu Adhikari (in photo) from Meet the Mormons as the night’s guest speaker. Adhikari intertwined spiritual elements and practical advice in his address to participants. “Our speaker was amazing,” said Brian Allen, who with his parents and other attendees left the event with greater appreciation and greater resolve to live as global citizens.
“We pick an organization each year to receive all proceeds from the event,” Elise Hall pointed out. This year’s proceeds went to Choice Humanitarian projects in Peru, Nepal, and Guatemala. The 2020 Hunger Banquet marks a thirty-year legacy of inspiring individuals, building knowledge, and increasing global awareness.