Peacebuilding sounds great in theory. But in practice, aren’t some conflicts truly intractable? Maybe a better word for peacemaking is “waymaking”: making a way out of no way.
Join us for a conversation with Chad Ford, author of Dangerous Love: Transforming Fear and Conflict at Home, at Work, and in the World, one of the Kennedy Center's featured titles for Winter 2025. He will discuss his mediation efforts in “impossible” conflicts around the world and make the case that what sustains many of today’s conflicts is a combination of fear and a lack of faith that things can change.
Chad Ford is an international conflict mediator, facilitator, and peace educator. He is an assistant professor of Religious Studies with the Heravi Peace Institute at Utah State University, focusing on conflict reconciliation and intercultural mediation. He is the author of Dangerous Love: Transforming Fear and Conflict at Home, at Work, and in the World (2020), and 70x7: Jesus’s Path to Conflict Transformation (2025).
Part of the Kennedy Center's winter 2025 lecture series, "Building and Brokering Peace."