The Latter-day Saint Young Women Organization in the Progressive Era Skip to main content
Headshots of Lisa Olsen Tait & Amber C. Taylor

The Latter-day Saint Young Women Organization in the Progressive Era

Thursday, February 27
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
238 HRCB

In the wake of World War I, adults sensed a generational crisis as young people’s behavior in dress, dancing, and dating underwent what felt like revolutionary change. Latter-day Saint youth leaders, including those of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association, mobilized the progressive resources of the community to meet the moment with optimism and vigor. The result was a theory of “teaching the gospel through activities” that shaped the organization for over fifty years and established many iconic features of what it meant to be a young Latter-day Saint woman for generations.

Lisa Olsen Tait & Amber C. Taylor of the LDS Church History Department will lecture at this winter 2025 Global Women's Studies Colloquium event.

You can watch the lecture live in 238 HRCB or via Zoom by clicking here.

Event Flyer

Academics Kennedy Center Events Women Lectures Gender GWS Colloquium