Ask Me Anything about Foreign Service Cones Skip to main content
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Ask Me Anything about Foreign Service Cones

Wednesday, December 04
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
238 HRCB

Thinking about a career in diplomacy? Come to this Ask Me Anything event to learn about the five cones in the US Foreign Service and the career options available there.

George Ward is a U.S. diplomat recently returned from Beijing where he served as Economic Counselor. His previous assignment was in New York as a Political Advisor at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, where he led negotiations on European security issues at the UN Security Council. His other tours in the Foreign Service include Singapore, Baghdad, Taipei, Washington, and Warsaw. He received a BA in Economics at Brigham Young University, an MA in Economics from the University of Delaware, and a Master’s in Public Administration from the George Washington University.

Sponsored by the Kennedy Center for International Studies and the Foreign Service Student Organization.

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