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Library Resources

Library Resources

The Lee Library maintains many online “Research Guides” related to IR, each of which gives access to numerous resources. Several are shown below. For additional research guides, including those on various regions (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, etc.), see this list.

Economics Government Documents Political Science and International Relations Social Science Data World History

There are academic librarians at the Lee Library who can help with IR research. Go to their profiles to see additional Research Guides or contact them for individual help.

Subjects: Political Science, History, Geography, Government Documents
Brian Wages
1225 HBLL, 801-422-3809,

Subjects: Economics, Social Science Datasets, Business, Current News Sources
Maggie Marchant
1212 HBLL, 801-422-3924,

Subjects: Geography, Maps, Geographic Information Systems
Mark Jackson
2480 HBLL, 801-422-9753,