Stay-at-Home Parent & Entrepreneur Skip to main content
American Studies

Stay-at-Home Parent & Entrepreneur

Elizabeth Larsen

“My degree gave me valuable critical thinking skills and a greater empathy for the life experiences of others. This benefits me as a mother, wife, friend, and member of society.”

What is your job/position?

Stay-at-home mom and entrepreneur.

Describe the path that took you from your American Studies degree to your current career or life situation.

My degree gave me valuable critical thinking skills and a greater empathy for the life experiences of others. This benefits me as a mother, wife, friend, and member of society. I gained confidence in my ability to clearly communicate ideas to others and used those skills for a time as a correspondent for my local newspaper. Currently, I use those skills as a part owner of a soda shop start-up in New Mexico. I run the marketing and HR departments of our business and, as I fill these roles, feel so grateful for the critical thinking and communication skills gained from my time as an American Studies student at BYU.

What are the specific competencies you cultivated as an American Studies student that you now use in your professional life and that set you apart from your colleagues?

Critical thinking + clear communication.

What are some of the surprising ways in which your American Studies degree has helped you in your professional or personal life?

I feel better able to empathize with the experiences of those with different views and experiences from my own.

What do you wish you had known as an American Studies student? What advice would you share with current students?

Savor every moment and opportunity to learn! And don't be afraid to go out on a limb to pursue something that interests you.