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American Studies


Bryce Nobles

“Being able to jump into a new subject matter for a semester and then shift gears to a different topic the following semester from another class teaches you how to get quickly caught up to speed.”

What is your job/position?


Describe the path that took you from your American Studies degree to your current career or life situation.

I started working while in college and took advantage of the internship credit hours. By my junior year, I was able to use BYU as a think tank for my job. Meaning, I started writing papers, taking specific classes, and even leveraging BYU resources (clubs, programs, mentorships) as a way to accelerate my career.

What are the specific competencies you cultivated as an American Studies student that you now use in your professional life and that set you apart from your colleagues?

Interdisciplinary Analysis: never take for granted the power of the elective course. Being able to jump into a new subject matter for a semester and then shift gears to a different topic the following semester from another class teaches you how to get quickly caught up to speed.

What are some of the surprising ways in which your American Studies degree has helped you in your professional or personal life?

I was taught constantly in my undergrad to challenge the status quo, and that has stuck with me in my career.

What do you wish you had known as an American Studies student? What advice would you share with current students?

People will pay you a lot of money because you can take a lot of information and condense it down into something simple yet powerful.

*You can contact Bryce with questions about his American Studies story at