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Grandpa's Photos

Hiking in the Forest

Seeing Europe Across Time

In the south hallway gallery hang student Taylor Dahl’s winning images from the Kennedy Center 2017 Photo Competition. A diptych of a street leading up to the Roman Coliseum, the side-by-side images eerily resemble one another with two key differences: they were taken more than fifty years apart by Taylor and his grandfather, Paul Eugene Dahl.

Paul Eugene Dahl, 1950
Me in Paris, 2017
Grandpa, 1950
Me, 2017
The Itinerary


Using the same Argus C3 film camera, Taylor reshot the fifty-nine photos across Europe. He traveled to Amsterdam, Basel, Bavaria, Florence, London, Lugano, Munich, Paris, Rome, Vatican City, and Venice to create unique juxtapositions and updates on classic as well as lesser-known sites.

Oberammergau, Germany, 1950 (top) Oberammergau, Germany, 2017 (bottom)
Munich, 1950
Munich, 2017
Linderhof Castle, 1950
Linderholf Castle, 2017


“The images were found in a huge box that my dad inherited from my grandpa,” Taylor said. “It was full to the brim with slides. The photos spanned over five decades. Some of them no one in my family had seen in over fifty years. Some, never.”

Rome, 1950
Rome, 2017
Rome, 1950 (top) Rome, 2017 (bottom)
Venice, 1950
Venice, 2017


“I was intrigued with fifty-nine photos, taken in 1950 in Europe. I researched online and mapped their exact locations,” said Taylor.

Paris, 1950 (top) Paris, 2017 (bottom)
London, 1950
London, 2017

Watch for the 2018 Kennedy Center Photo Competition winners to go on display later this semester—and take a look at past winners at