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Course Schedule

Africana Studies Courses Winter 2025

AFRIK 102: First-Year Afrikaans (second semester), Charne Adams & Rory Adams, 5:00-6:50 PM

CREOL 102: First-Year Haitian-Creole (second semester), Stephanie Cotton-Betteridge, MW 5:00-6:50 PM

CREOL 340: Intro to Haitian-Creole Literature, Carter Charles, WF 5:30-6:45 PM

EDLF 363: Education, Poverty, and Community Development, MacLeans Geo-JaJa, MW 11:00-12:15

ENGL 384R-003: Author Studies (Zora Neale Hurston), Brian Russell Roberts, MW 9:30-10:45

ENGL 397R/370R, FREN 456R: World Literatures in English (West African Literature), Peter Leman, MW 2:00-3:15
*Those registered for French 456R will also be registered for a 1-credit French-only discussion section on F 12:12:50

GEOG 285: Africa South of the Sahara, Ryan Jensen, TTh 9:30-10:45

HIST 367: Slavery in the United States, Matthew Mason, TTh 2:00-3:15

HIST 383: African American History since 1865, Rebecca DeSchweinitz, MWF (Blended: MW 2:00-2:50, F asynchronous on-line)

HLTH 480: International Health, Benjamin Crookston, T 5:30-6:45 PM

IHUM 244: Humanities of Africa, Robert Colson, MWF 10:00-10:50

MUSIC 204: Introduction to Jazz, Brian Woodbury, 4:00-5:15PM

POLI 352: African Politics, Liz McGuire, MW 3:30-4:45

SFL 354: Cross-Cultural Family and Human Development Spencer James, TTH 2:00-3:15 (section 002) Spencer James, TTH 4:00-5:15 (section 003)

SOC 323: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (section 001), Jacob Rugh, TTh 12:30-1:45

SOC 323: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (section 002), Ryan Gabriel, MW 2:00-3:15

SOC 370: Urban Sociology, Ryan Gabriel, MW 9:30-10:45

SWAHI 102: First-Year Swahili (second semester), Joy Richards, TTh 5:00-6:50 PM